• (440) 331-3075


St. Christopher Preschool: Where Little Knights come to play, pray, and learn.


The curriculum is based on the Ohio Department of Education’s Early Learning and Development Standards. Through the use of cooperative and center based activities, our program promotes the spiritual, socio-emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child.

The goal of St. Christopher Preschool is to make learning fun and engaging so that each child will develop the skills and confidence necessary to be successful learners and Kindergarten ready.


  1. Develop a positive self-image and a desire to learn.
  2. Develop basic academic and social skills to ensure Kindergarten readiness.
  3. Increase independence and become comfortable with the routines of a school day.
  4. Enjoy being part of a group and accept the need to share and cooperate.
  5. Respect the rights of others and learn self-advocacy skills.
  6. Grow in their Faith.
  7. Have fun!


St. Christopher Preschool’s environment of active play is designed to stimulate and challenge various developmental levels.

Our Preschool program promotes the spiritual, socio-emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child.

Children learn through play and cooperation.



St. Christopher “Little Knights” Preschool will be in session from September to May. A school calendar can be found in the Preschool handbook and will also be provided to each family. The Preschool will not be in session on days the St. Christopher Parish School is not in session; including calamity and day school in-service days.

Class Options:

3 Year old classes for the 2025-2026 school year:

  • Half-Day Morning Option: Monday-Thursday, 8:15am-11:15am
  • Full-Day Option: Monday-Thursday, 8:15am-2:45pm

4 Year old classes for the 2025-2026 school year:

  • Half-Day Morning Option: Monday –Thursday, 8:15am-11:15am
  • Full-Day Option: Monday – Thursday, 8:15am-2:45pm

Pre-K class for the 2025-2026 school year:

  • Pre-K Full Day Option: Monday – Thursday, 8:15am-2:-45pm

Aftercare will be available on days the preschool is in session from 2:45pm – 5pm.  The student must be enrolled in a full-day or afternoon program to participate.

Class Descriptions:

3’s Classes

The St. Christopher Preschool 3 year old program engages students in a nurturing environment focused on instilling a love of learning through early academics and socialization. Within the learning environment of the 3’s classrooms, students are introduced to the concepts of letter, number, shape and color recognition. Students begin to identify the beginning sounds of letters, as well as begin to write his/her name. Fine motor skills such as pencil holding and cutting with scissors are fostered through small group activities and sensory play. Another emphasis within the 3’s program is on play-based learning. Through play-based activities, students build social skills like sharing, cooperation and personal responsibility. Our core values of basic concept development and a play-centered environment are the first steps toward building a strong academic foundation. 

Students in the 3’s classes must be 3 years of age by September 30th and completely toilet-trained. 

4’s Classes

The 4 year old Preschool program at St. Christopher is structured around academic and play-based activities that prepare students for success in Kindergarten and promote excitement about learning. The 4’s program focuses on upper and lowercase letter recognition and formation as well as first and last name recognition and writing. Students learn to identify and write numbers in addition to basic math concepts. Fine motor skills such as proper pencil holding and scissor grip and motion are developed through daily class activities and art projects. Through play-based activities, students build social skills such as sharing, collaboration and problem solving. 

Pre-K Class

The Pre-K class at St. Christopher Preschool incorporates structure and routines to help students develop school behaviors that promote learning. The Pre-K class is designed for a child who’s birthday is near the Kindergarten cut-off date. This child may need a year to build his/her self-confidence, independence and social skills in addition to growing academically. While the curriculum in this class is similar to the 4’s, students in Pre-K participate in enrichment activities that enhance basic math concepts and beginning reading and writing skills. Developmental activities incorporate problem solving skills, teamwork, creativity and leadership. Students learn through play driven by discovery, exploration and hands-on experiences. Center-based learning is utilized to enhance a child’s academics and social-emotional skills. As students rotate centers, they participate in activities involving seasonal themes, reading readiness, writing, science, math, sensory experiences and pretend play. Pre-K students attend STREAM and Physical Education classes.  

It is recommended that students in this class turn 5 years of age before January 1st.


The tuition schedule for the 2025-2026 school year is as follows:

3 Year Old Preschool Classes

Payment Options:        Half-Day Morning        Full-Day
Monthly (9 months)        $305.56                       $508.33
One Time Payment          $2,750                         $4,575

4 Year Old Preschool Classes

Payment Options:            Half-Day Morning            Full-Day
Monthly (9 months)             $305.56                          $508.33
One Time Payment               $2,750                            $4,575

Pre-K Class

Payment Options:             Full-Day
Monthly (9 months)         $550
One Time Payment           $4,950

Enrollment Fee: non-refundable $200 per Family fee is due at the time of Enrollment/Re-Enrollment. After March 1st the Enrollment Fee increases to $300 per family. 


There are still a few openings in the 4’s program. If interested, email scspreschool@scsrr.org.

All other classes are full.

If you would like more information or to be placed on a waitlist, email  scspreschool@scsrr.org


The guidelines and criteria listed below will be followed in regard to admittance of new students to the preschool and day school. 

  • First, preference is given to current families of the preschool and day school of St. Christopher Parish.
  • Next, preference is given to active parishioners of St. Christopher Parish. 
  • Finally, non-parishioners and non-Catholics may be admitted after touring the facility.
  • No child will be refused admission because of race, creed, or national origin.

Acceptance to the preschool and day school is finalized upon completion of the enrollment application through Digital Academy, payment of the family registration fee, the criteria listed above and student space within the classroom.  

Please call 440-331-3075 or email St. Christopher Preschool Director, Michelle Federico at scspreschool@scsrr.org, if you have any questions or would like to schedule a tour.



Admissions Inquiry Form

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Interested in Enrolling?

We are now accepting students for grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Please visit the Admissions page for registration information and downloadable documents.